Wednesday, August 14, 2024

WHO declares mpox outbreak a global health emergency

 WHO declares mpox outbreak a global health emergency

The World Health Organization on Wednesday declared the ongoing mpox outbreak in Africa a global health emergency.

WHO convened its emergency committee amid concerns that a deadlier strain of the virus, clade Ib, had reached four previously unaffected countries in Africa. This strain had previously been contained to the Democratic Republic of Congo.

The independent experts met virtually Wednesday to advise WHO Director-General Tedros Adhanom Ghebreyesus on the severity of the outbreak. After that consultation, he announced that he had declared a public health emergency of international concern — the highest level of alarm under international health law.

“The detection and rapid spread of a new clade of mpox in eastern DRC, its detection in neighboring countries that had not previously reported mpox and the potential for further spread within Africa and beyond is very worrying,” he said.

“The emergency committee met and advised me that the situation constitutes a public health emergency of international concern. I have accepted that advice.”

Also known as a PHEIC, this is a status given by WHO to “extraordinary events” that pose a public health risk to other countries through the international spread of disease. These outbreaks may require a coordinated international response, according to the organization.

“It was unanimous that the current outbreak of mpox, upsurge of mpox, is an extraordinary event,” committee Chair Dimie Ogoina said. “What we have in Africa is the tip of the iceberg. … We are not recognizing, or we don’t have the full picture of, this burden of mpox.”

The Africa Centres for Disease Control and Prevention declared the outbreak a public health emergency of continental security on Tuesday, the first such declaration by the agency since its inception in 2017.

Since the beginning of the year, more than 17,000 mpox cases and more than 500 deaths have been reported in 13 countries in Africa, according to the Africa Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, which classifies the outbreak as a “very high risk event.” The highest number of cases — more than 14,000 — is in the DRC, which reported 96% of confirmed cases this month.

Mpox, formerly known as monkeypox, is a viral disease that can spread easily between people and from infected animals. It can spread through close contact such as touching, kissing or sex, as well as through contaminated materials like sheets, clothing and needles, according to WHO. Symptoms include a fever, a painful rash, headache, muscle and back pain, low energy and enlarged lymph nodes.

For decades, the disease had largely been found in Central and West Africa, but it also began spreading in Europe and North America in 2022. WHO previously declared the spread of mpox a global health emergency in July 2022 and ended that declaration in May 2023.

Mpox is characterized by two genetic clades, I and II. A clade is a broad grouping of viruses that has evolved over decades and is a genetic and clinically distinct group. Clade II was responsible for the 2022 outbreak, but clade Ib

“But we are not dealing with one outbreak of one clade; we are dealing with several outbreaks of different clades in different countries with different modes of transmission and different levels of risk,” Tedros clarified.

No cases of clade I mpox have been identified in the United States, the US Centers for Disease Control and Prevention says, but it is monitoring the situation, and the US government has offered funding, assistance and vaccines to WHO and the DRC to support efforts in Africa.

The CDC recommended last week that people in the US who are exposed to or at high risk of catching mpox should get vaccinated.

WHO officials said last week that the virus could be contained “quite straightforwardly, if we do the right things at the right time.” They are further calling for international cooperation in financing and organizing efforts to quell the outbreak and funding research to better understand clade Ib and its spread.

“It’s clear that a coordinated international response is essential to stop these outbreaks and save lives,” Tedros said Wednesday.

The organization has signed off on the Emergency Use Listing process for both mpox vaccines and developed a regional response plan requiring $15 million, with $1.5 million released from the WHO Contingency Fund for Emergencies.

Half a million doses of the vaccine are in stock, and another 2.4 million could possibly be produced by the end of the year, according to Tim Nguyen of the WHO Health Emergencies Program. The DRC and Nigeria will be the first to receive these vaccines, African Regional Emergency Director Dr. Abdou Salam Gueye added.

The organization emphasized that vaccines are only part of the response; containing the spread will also require increased surveillance, diagnostics and research to fill “gaps in understanding.”

“We can stop transmission of mpox with a concerted effort using multiple approaches,” said Dr. Maria Van Kerkhove, director of WHO’s Department of Epidemic and Pandemic Preparedness and Prevention.

“There’s a lot of uncertainty. … We have an opportunity right now to really leverage this time and support our member states to support the research that needs to be done to understand this.”

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Tuesday, August 13, 2024

Diretor do Ceará se revolta com arbitragem de jogo contra o Goiás por ‘erros crassos’; veja vídeo

 Diretor do Ceará se revolta com arbitragem de jogo contra o Goiás por ‘erros crassos’; veja vídeo

Haroldo Martins, diretor de futebol do Ceará, foi a público na noite da última segunda-feira (13) manifestar a insatisfação do clube com a arbitragem da partida contra o Goiás, pela Série B do Brasileirão 2024. O Vovô foi derrotado por 2 a 1 em jogo marcado por polêmicas.

“Infelizmente a gente é obrigado a vir a público em posição institucional. A gente tem feito um trabalho, disputa uma competição muito difícil e tem que bater de frente com o que aconteceu aqui hoje. É um absurdo”, disse Haroldo em vídeo nas redes sociais.

O diretor se refere a lances polêmicos, que resultaram nos gols do Goiás. A primeira reclamação seria de um duplo toque de Tadeu na cobrança do primeiro pênalti. A segunda seria de uma falta sobre Jean Irmer no lance que resultou no segundo pênalti do Goiás.

O principal questionamento por parte dos torcedores foi o fato do árbitro da partida, Wagner do Nascimento Magalhães (RJ), não ter ido ao monitor para revisão juntamente com o árbitro de vídeo (VAR), Thiago Duarte Peixoto (SP), em nenhum dos dois lances.

“O pênalti é discutível, mas a execução do pênalti é absurda! Por que o VAR não reviu? Vamos fazer representação. O presidente já está se movimentando. O Ceará não vai ficar calado! Ninguém vai fazer o Ceará de brinquedo”, completou o dirigente.

Com o resultado, o Ceará terminou a 20ª rodada na sétima colocação da Série B, somando 29 pontos em 20 rodadas disputadas. A distância para o G-4 atualmente é de quatro pontos, com o primeiro time dentro deste grupo sendo o América-MG, com 33 pontos.

“O Ceará é um clube grande, não aceita esse tipo de postura. [...] Somos um clube sério, grande e que está num campeonato sério. Se a arbitragem não tem critério, qualidade, o que se espera da comissão de arbitragem é que não esteja no quadro por interesse conflitante. A gente espera que isso seja revisto. A gente espera posição e correção por parte da CBF e da comissão de arbitragem”, completou Haroldo.

O Ceará volta a campo no próximo sábado (17), quando recebe o Mirassol na Arena Castelão, pela 21ª rodada da Série B. A bola rola às 17h (horário de Brasília) para a partida.

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Sunday, August 11, 2024

2024 Team USA wins fifth straight men's basketball gold medal

 2024 Team USA wins fifth straight men's basketball gold medal

PARIS -- The American basketball muscle remains strong.

The world has made big strides over the past three decades and there are brilliant talents and developing teams that show great promise. But when Team USA sends its best no one yet has shown they can stop the Yanks.

It is now five straight Olympic golds for the USA after a hard-fought 98-87 victory over the resilient and prideful host nation of France on Saturday.

The indelible moment came from Stephen Curry, who made four uber clutch 3-pointers in a two-minute second stretch of the fourth quarter to turn away a French uprising. Curry assured his first gold with a ridiculous fall away bomb over two defenders after a behind-the-back dribble, silencing the home fans with his "put them to sleep" trademark move.

"Before every shot you take, you think it's going in," Curry said. "All I saw was the rim. I didn't see who was in front of me. I knew it was kind of a late clock situation, but that one impressed myself."

After making nine 3-pointers in the semifinals and putting in 36 points, Curry made 8-of-12 triples in the final for 24 golden points.

"I've seen that from Steph a few times but it never gets old," Team USA coach Steve Kerr said. "It's a global game with a lot of great players, but we still feel we have the greatest players."

It was quite a turn of events after Curry had been just 5-of-20 on 3-pointers and was averaging just seven points heading into the semifinals three days ago.

"You just stay confident, stay present and don't get rattled by the moment," Curry said. "There's a lot of faith, living with shots that you think you should take."

While Curry was the hero, LeBron James named Olympics MVP after scoring 14 points with six rebounds and 10 assists. It added to his 4 NBA MVPs, 4 Finals MVPs, 3 NBA All-Star Game MVPs and the only In-Season Tournament championship in history.

James averaged 14.2 points, 6.8 rebounds and 8.5 assists on 66% shooting in the Olympics.

"I'm just living in the moment super humble that I can still play this game and play it at a high level," James said. "It came with us winning gold and that's what's more important for me. It's pretty cool."

James earned his third career gold and fourth Olympic medal overall, joining Durant as the only American male with four.

Kevin Durant, who became the first American male to win four golds, had 15 points and several big baskets.

Devin Booker, who has been an unsung hero throughout the summer, had 15 points as he locked in his second gold. Booker had a plus-18 plus/minus for the game and was plus-76 in the Olympics.

"Devin was incredible. He completely changed his role from the NBA to now," Kerr said. "He was kind of our unsung MVP."

Anthony Davis had one of the best games with 8 points, 10 rebounds and 4 blocks, and also took him his second gold.

In the end, the American 3-point shooting might have truly made the difference. They made 18-of-36 3s, a number France just couldn't keep up with. The French made nine triples but took 30 of them.

Victor Wembanyama, who perhaps represents the greatest hope to unseat the Americans in the future, said that Saturday's game in the French capital was the "chance of a lifetime" and that his mindset coming into these games was it was "first or failure" for Les Bleus.

His play backed up his words and his potential by delivering one of the best games of his young life. Wembanyama's presence was felt everywhere, from the opening moments when he drilled a long 3-pointer, his long arms and fearless temperament put a major stamp on the game.















Saturday, August 10, 2024

Maravilla fatal: penal errado con no look sobre la hora, planchazo y expulsión

 Maravilla fatal: penal errado con no look sobre la hora, planchazo y expulsión

racing perdió 1-0 ante Gimnasia en Avellaneda y dejó pasar una gran posibilidad de ser líder del campeonato. En el final del partido, el dueño de casa tuvo una ocasión inmejorable para empatar el partido de penal, pero Maravilla Martínez falló desde el punto penal y luego se fue expulsado. Increíble...

Corrían 44 minutos y pico de juego en el Cilindro cuando un remate del ingresado Juanfer Quintero pegó en el brazo (¿pegado al cuerpo?) de Cortazzo y el árbitro no dudó: penal. Fue una acción polémica, que despertó alguna duda y mucha bronca en Gimnasia, pero el VAR no intervino y el fallo se mantuvo.

El propio Juanfer se quiso hacer cargo de la ejecución, pero Maravilla Martínez le sacó la pelota y se dispuso a patear. Sin embargo, el goleador de Racing metió no look, le pegó fuerte y la pelota reventó el travesaño. La jugada siguió y el equipo de Costas pudo empatarlo nuevamente, pero todo terminó en los brazos del arquero Ledesma.

Para colmo, a los 51, Maravilla le fue muy mal a Pintado y terminó siendo expulsado de forma directa. Sacado por la chance que había perdido, el goleador le dejó la plancha al chico de Gimnasia y el árbitro le mostró la tarjeta roja. Minutos fatídicos para la Academia, que dejó escapar mucho más que el empate. Y la historia podría empeorar: si le dan dos fechas de suspensión, se pierde el clásico contra Independiente...